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When people think of property, they usually think of tangible items like real estate (buildings, houses, etc.) and personal property (jewellery, gold, silver money), but your concept, design, literacy work, songs, and a variety of other items are all considered property, or more specifically intangible property. These properties must also be protected from theft, copying, and the rights that come with it. It is necessary to grasp what Intellectual Property is and what it entertains in order to comprehend these phrases. “Creation of the mind,” as defined by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), includes innovations, literary and creative works, as well as symbols, names, and pictures utilised in commerce.

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A trademark is a word, phrase, design, colour, sound, or logo that can be used to identify and distinguish one product from another. Apple's trademark is distinct from those of its competitors despite the fact that they offer identical products. They are unable to use the same symbol or name as a trademark.If another firm starts selling a product with the same Apple trademark at a lower price than the real one, consumers will be confused as to which one is genuine, and the genuine Apple company will lose faith and credibility in the product.

Trademarks can be seen as a communication tool used by a producer to inform and attract customers, as well as to guarantee and value their product. Because the two watches Titan and Sonata have different and unique trademarks, most people can easily recognise them.


Copyright refers to an author's exclusive right to protect his or her unique literary and artistic work, which includes writing, music, poetry, short stories, fine arts such as paintings and sculptures, and technology-based work such as computer and electronic databases.
Copyright protects works, not ideas, which are expressions of concepts. If you envision a love storey involving rich girls falling in love with a poor boy that isn't protected, different writers could make a narrative around it and make different movies based on it. However, if you express it in another medium, such as a play or a film, the storyline of the narrative will be protected.
Authors are granted a range of exclusive rights under the Copyright Act, including the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and display their work. There are a number of exclusive rights that allow the author to profit from the work commercially. Any of these rights may be sold or licenced to a third party by the author.
It is not necessary for the literary and artistic work to be of good quality or artistic value, but it must be unique. The specific eligibility for copyright varies by nation and is frequently resolved by decided case law, but the core principle is that it must be unique and not reproduced.


New inventions and discoveries are protected by patents. A patent is a type of incorporeal right issued by a sovereign authority to an inventor for a process, design, or invention for a specific period of time in exchange for a complete disclosure of the innovation.
A patent can be obtained by anybody who: invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacturing, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, according to the law's criteria and requirements.

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